Forgive me, if I ask something that seems common for you folks, but my 2007 Toyota Camry, (4-Cylinder, using regular Unleaded gas, 246,000 miles) on the odometer has begun to run really hot in the past week, and it happens very quickly. The thermostat will go from mid-line to nearly max red zone within a few seconds.

I checked the coolant, thinking maybe I was low or it had leaked out without my noticing, and it’s actually still more or less full (at the F line) from when I filled it a few months ago.

It only occurs within the first 15 or so minutes of me starting and driving the car, and if I’m able to come to a stop before then, the temperature quickly drops back to mid-level within about the same amount of time it took to climb up.

A couple stoplights have actually saved me from overheating. Never thought I would want to hit red lights.

I’m not sure what to check, and I know it’ll have to go into a shop, but I suppose I’m just wondering what’s going on and if I can remedy it at home.