pls dont kill me…

im just curious, in 2023 what exactly does ios have over android.

the only two things i can think of is the longer support and apple ecosystem.

otherwise androids just have far far more features than ios does.

can anyone help me understand if theres more to it or if thats it.

  • Rorschach06B
    10 months ago
    • i dont use face id
    • to check a notification i have i need to drag down every time cant see while using the phone
    • not really had to update myself many times
    • slower animations phone feels slow to do some jobs like downloading something.
    • i cant change my default maps to google. Irks me.
    • ?? You have it on android too i guess never had problem on my calls
    • better optimisation my ass u just have lower resolution lol
    • did not notice difference


    • air pods pro is just the best
    • typing under rain is much much comfort
    • haptics are so good. They feel real.
    • feels expensive in hand i enjoy using the phone
    • less useless apps

    Cons for me

    • cant close and open location fast i literally had to create url shortcut lol never done such thing in android
    • front facing camera is awful and cant close deep fusion
    • 9 gag app is awful for me i cant open links directly from comments. Need to copy paste and delete.
    • need back gesture really really hard this phone. In order to cancel something and keyboard i needed to use my second hand.

    Edit: i use 15pm my first ios device.