I play a lot of video games were low ping is extremely helpful ( fortnite, COD, fight night ). Currently I use an Xfinity wifi extender that I plugged into my gaming room wall and connect it to my pc with a ethernet. Ill get maybe 20 ping in a game when no one else is using the wifi, but if multiple people are using it ( phones, games, tv, etc ) ill get 30 if I’m lucky, probably 40-50. Our house has xfinity wifi, and their best plan available. Im getting tired of losing games due to lag/high ping and playing against kids on low ping. What im thinking of doing at the moment is getting a AP or using another router in AP mode. I cant run a direct ethernet to my router because I have pets in my house that im afraid will bite it and the routers on the bottom floor. Is using a AP the best way I can get low ping or is there a better method? If AP is the best method, any AP recommendations?