Recently bought a Blessing 3 from the 11.11 sale, but after testing it and comparing it against the Chu 2… I can hardly tell the difference. The difference is even more subtle when hooked up to my DAC, and I can tell there’s an improvement in, for example, layer separation and bass (I unironically cannot hear a difference in the treble quality), but it’s so minor that I wouldn’t be suprised if I could chalk it up to placebo, or just that minor difference in tuning. Actually, I would go so far as to say that I enjoy the Chu 2s more because I like the sound profile more. The mids sound more pleasant to me, so much so that I don’t really care for that difference in technicalities.

Anyways, just wondering if this is an issue with the Blessing 3 (i.e a defective model), or if it’s an issue with me, like I just have a terrible ear for this sort of thing.