Hi all,
Keen to jump back into street photography after a long break - but want to make it a social thing.
Taking cool pictures is alright but doing it with other people who enjoy it is way more fun so looking to start a casual group where we can go shoot together, share tips, tricks and a few pints together.
Looking to form a laid back group where we can shoot anything from funky angles, puddles, candid photography, even use each other as models in a ‘go stand in that cool light for a sec’ type scenarios.
Hoping to make it a group where we not only help eachother grow in photography but as solid people in general.
I’m 27M but group is open to any ages. Group will be based in London.
You don’t have to be very good at street photography.
Beginners must be willing to learn and pro’s must be willing to teach.
If that sounds like a bit of you then reply here or send me a DM with a few lines about you and why you want to join. I’ll probably make a whatsapp group if enough people reply.