I have some experience with SaaS businesses over the last 7 years. None of them have resulted in anything worth writing about other than it has gotten me some high-paying jobs (well into 6 figures) by leveraging the skills I developed during the time spent building the businesses. I work in the tech industry and very much hate it. I’d ideally like to get out of working for someone else in the tech industry and into my own business that works. My issue has never been the product or running the business (accounting, legal, customer support, admin, managing contractors/vendors, marketing, etc) but more so the sales side of things. I can build a product that when I actually get on a sales call or get leads on my site I can get sign-ups and good usage metrics.

I am at a point of not wanting to try SaaS again even though I have some good ideas of what I could do with a few niches within the marina/yacht club niches.

I have had the idea of selling marine clothing as a start to an e-commerce business then expanding into other marine products. I actually wanted to sell marine products before but the initial costs of starting up was a major deterrent for me. I don’t want to spend $25k on products just to not have them sell and be screwed out of money on that. I do wonder if this is me trying to fit my passion (boating) into a business without tying it too closely to hate my passion like I did tech.

I’ve also looked at marine detailing, auto detailing, and a few other time-intensive businesses that would have a low income for years which I currently can not handle with the family situation I have ongoing.

I am posting to see if someone has an idea of a business niche in the marine industry (Ontario Canada on the water) that I could explore other than marine clothing/apparel or marine detailing.