I’ve modified the photo to make it more visible. I’m having an issue since last week with my main camera… as you can see in the photo, it is somewhat oily/greasy in that two areas on the sides. Although it doesn’t seem like it affects my photos, the problem is that I can clean it (and I have to clean it throughly because it doesn’t come off easily) but it comes back soon, in the same exact spots as before. It looks like maybe the grease can penetrate under the camera? Do I need to go to an Apple Store?

  • Fede_RamaOPB
    10 months ago

    I thought about finger grease… but it happens in the same exact spot, with the same shape, every time even if I don’t hold the phone for too much. And finger grease it’s easy to remove, while this is not. That’s why I’m doubtful about that