Jasmine handled him breaking the news that he quit his job so well. I could feel her heartbreak and worry over it. The fact that he later tried to spin it as her being upset because she wants a luxury life style when she very clearly stated her concerns were about bringing her children and sister to the US is just frustrating.

Like who tf quits their job when they know they need to provide for the fiance and kids they’re sponsoring to bring to the US.

  • Bitter_Birthday7363B
    11 months ago

    I agree with all that Jasmine is full of drama on their own, however a lot of the narrative are pushed by tlc. Like the reality is Jasmine probs just shows up and they fight over all kind of nonsense. However on the show there’s always some secret to be revealed always a “I have a secret I’ve not told him/her. I think i dunno send a boy of a coincidence he happened to lose his job he’s had years just as she arrives ? Seems a lot more likely he arranged time off