I just finished Daisy Darker and even commented on an old thread but I desperately need some validation about this.

They coordinate their Halloween costumes so they went as the lion, the witch, and the pumpkin? Huh??? Am I missing something? It’s so bizarre. Is there a pun I’m missing? I tried googling it and the only thing that came up was my own comment about it. I even asked a British friend lol. I read all the Narnia books and don’t understand this at all.

Also how are more people not talking about how absolutely bizarre Nana’s dinners were?! Chicken with sprinkles??? Wtf! I had to put the book down for a bit. Most shocking part of the book.

  • MundaneShoulder6OPB
    10 个月前

    It’s mentioned three times and part of a key event in the book.

    I actually think the second guess is totally in line with the characters but the way it’s written doesn’t seem that way.

    I’ll be honest I wasn’t too impressed with the book so I was more looking for someone else to say “yeah that was weird” than unpack it trying to figure out what the author’s intention was.