I have a difficult choice right now, I have to choose my new home and can’t decide between these three countries. What do you think will fit better for a 26M, social, loves techno, boardgames and long walks.

I don’t worry that much about career options, in Spain I’d keep working online, in Netherlands and Denmark I’d try to get a job in the local market. But work wise either option is fine.

In which one of these countries you think I could maximise enjoyment of life and stability?

Thank you!

  • Human_Buy7932OPB
    10 months ago

    Дякую за відповідь! Everything is very well explained! In many ways I see Netherlands are similar to Denmark. I actually found bureaucracy in Europe overall (haven’t been to NH thought) more complicated than in Ukraine haha. In Ukraine I got used to do everything digitally through Diia and online tax cabinet. But I heard horror stories from people who had to deal with bureaucracy before Diia, uffff… In Denmark I think I can forget about eating out often, Danes mostly cook their meals and eat out on special occasions. Therefore most restaurants would be offering 70€ 5-meals course rather than a la carte. Exception was a food court in Århus, that place had some diverse and nice food for fairly cheap (for Denmark), on average 10€-12€ a meal, I guess it’s as cheap as it gets in the Nordics hahah.