As the title says i overfilled the car. I dont understand how that happened (story below)

I have 2 questions

  1. Do i need to drain it? I have driven it 20km since filling it. I was hoping to change the oil when i changed the brakes in a couple weeks.

  2. How did it get overfilled?

Background info: the car burns oil, in august i decided to top it up a half a quart past full and record how long it took for the oil to go below the top dot. That took about 3000km,

380km ago i filled it to the second dot. Today i checked the oil. I let the engine idle for 10minutes. When i checked the oil it was barely coating the bottom of the dip stick. A put in less then a quart. I checked it again and It filled to a bit past the second dot.

Then i drove to work. I checked the oil again. The oil was at the level you see in the picture much higher then it was at home…

Both times the car was on a slight incline.

When i checked the oil the first time the car was idiling then i immediately shut it off when i saw how low the oil was. Could that be why the car had low oil the first time?