With the rapid growth of my self hosted services with a wife and others that use them and my interest in building out my personal experience, I could use some advice on the path of building my own, even if simplistic, CI/CD pipline to keep everything orginized and minimize downtime/broken fetures in production. If anyone has any advice in this area with what to look for and what to avoid, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • @murdaBotB
    18 months ago

    To help you with this, you need to tell us what your environment looks like. A CI/CD pipeline for a VM based infrastructure looks VERY different than a fully GitOpsed k8s platform, which looks different than a pipeline for regular Docker containers, which looks different than if you have some cloud infrastructure, etc etc.

    • @_-Ryick-_OPB
      18 months ago

      It’s VM/LXC based (Proxmox). Though, most, if not all, of my front facing services are in a Docker VM. whereas my backend servers are run in LXC containers.