It’s raining airdrops #Celestia #Pyth #Blur

Did you get yours? I hope you did

If you didn’t, then let’s end that right here, right now

Amidst the👆price trajectory of #Solana, considerable discourse surrounds various projects & airdrops within the Solana ecosystem


Also with the ridiculous fee on Mainnet which also impacts the gas fee on other L2s, it might be a good time to use Solana (if you haven’t before)

There is some interesting play 👀

🪂 jito_sol

Stake SOL for JitoSol - Earn points for $JITO

🪂 marginfi

Deposit JitoSol - Earn points for $MRGN

Borrow mSOL - Earn points for MRGN

Or play it whichever way you want

🪂 JupiterExchange

Swap assets and use the PERP BETA (might qualify you for the future token)

🪂 Kamino_Finance

Deposit assets into vaults and qualify for future KAMINO (includes JitoSol)

🪂 tensor_hq

Buy a Tensorian and stake it - Earn points for $TENSOR

The floor price is 25 SOL atm

🪂 DriftProtocol

Deposit assets including JitoSol &

Trade perps on Drift - qualify for future $DRIFT

🪂 ZetaMarkets

Deposit USDC & trade perps - earn points for $ZETA

🪂 xnft_backpack_

Backpack, a non-custodial wallet is doing a launch drop later this week to reward early adopters

But only people who KYC on the platform beforehand will be eligible