There have been major improvements to Slaanesh, the self-hosted game tracker ( in the last few weeks. Major changes since the initial post are:

  • Made it available as simple docker container, can be run with a very basic compose file, see github for instructions
  • Dark mode support added
  • Most config file options are now accessible from within the UI, also added a lot of new config options
  • Configurable display style for each category (choice between card style and two different table styles)
  • Reworked and streamlined add game dialog (still needs IGDB ID or exact IGDB name to match, though, no fuzzy search yet)
  • Nice charts on the overview screen instead of just tables
  • A whole lot of minor improvements

Next up:

  • General UI improvements, especially considering responsiveness - there is probably a lot that can be done with asyncio which I have barely used so far
  • Improve card display style (currently doesn’t support search/filter and performance isn’t great for large lists, which is why it’s the default style for only the playing tab)
  • Make it render properly on mobile
  • Build a native mode version for local (not self-hosted) usage
  • Enable adding Twitch client ID and secret via the UI, and save them not in plain text in the config file but separately and encrypted

I’m looking forward to lots of feedback and hope this will help others organising their game collection, too!