Hey all,

I just found healthcheck.io - and it’s awesome.
I wrote multiple bash-scripts (via ChatGPT as I’m no programmer), e.g.
- Check every LXC-Container if the defined docker containers are still running
- Update every LXC-Container
- Refresh the Letsencrypt-Certificat in every LXC-Container

If the tasks is successful, they Ping my healthcheck.io instance running on a VPS connected via WireGuard. If the VPS don’t get a ping in the defined timeframe, I get an e-mail notification.

I really love, that I don’t have to install anything on the hosts I want to monitor, so it’s always working.

Any ideas of other metrics that are worth to monitor, and that I could realize with simple bash-scripts?

(I’m using Proxmox with multiple LXC containers running Docker and apps like Bitwarden, Nextcloud, etc.)