
Could you ever consider buying a 323.000 KM. 335I?

I feel like high km/millage cars is something you can get “used to”. Ofcause nobody want their car to blow up, but many people are scared at buying a car with more than 100.000 KM. Or 200.000 KM.

I have spend more time with bikes, and when I first started out I would not buy a bike with more than 20.000 KM. Now I have no problem looking at e.g. 80.000 KM. Bikes. (I live in a cold country so many bikes are not riden that much)

I have never owned a +240.000 KM. Car.

So my question to you is just could you consider a 323.000 KM 335i? If the price was right. What needed before you would consider such a car if you could consider it?

Thanks a lot.