Despite being one of those people who read so much as a child that I had to be banned from reading to get school work done, I hadn’t started reading properly again until the start of this year.

I really want to find a group of people to discuss books with! But every local or online book club that I’m finding is really geared towards “Booktok” or other fantasy/romance/Colleen Hoover-esque genres. Which is absolutely fine, they’re extremely popular and they definitely have a market. But as someone who reads primarily classics/lit fic/contemporary/insert anything else usually considered pretentious, I don’t feel like I’ve got any options.

So does anyone know of any online book clubs that meet up over Zoom or Teams, that focus on these genres? Or does anyone have any experience in setting up a book club and could give me any tips? It’s the most frustrating thing in the world to finish a book and not have anyone to discuss it with! And worst when you can’t even find posts on this subreddit.