I have a keen interest in gaining knowledge about the experiences of American expatriates who have relocated to Switzerland. More specifically, I am intrigued by the insights you may have on living in Switzerland as an American expat. I have had the opportunity to visit Switzerland on two separate occasions. The first visit was to Geneva, and more recently, in August, I spent five days in Zurich. I really like it there. Also its proximity to Israel, which is of paramount importance to me. It is my fervent hope to visit Israel at least twice a year.

I know there’s a difference between being a tourist and a resident, my upcoming plans involve a more extended stay of approximately one year. I live in Florida and travel 4-5times a year. I have had the opportunity to travel to more than 55 countries, and while I have experienced a diverse range of cultures and lifestyles, I have yet to find a place that has inspired me to stay longer than three months.

I am in my early 30s with no intentions or current plans of settling down. (No family obligations, presence of a partner or children)if you’ll ask me- this is my answer. These elements can greatly influence the decision-making process.

Thank you!