Just wondering what are peoples go to LLM’s when they really want to get creative/unique stories. What I am mainly looking for is creative sparks of brilliance that really feel like it’s something fresh/unique/creative with writing that just flows well.

Mine are as follows (using KoboldCPP):

1.) psymedrp-v1-20b.Q5_K_M Settings: Quick Preset: Mayday, Temp 1.2, Top P Sampling 0.99

link: https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/PsyMedRP-v1-20B-GGUF

Notes: This one really gets creative and has lines that make me smile for how outlandish, bizzare and creative they sometimes are. Sometimes goes a little off the deep end but generally this is one is a powerhouse of creativity.

2.) dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b.Q8_0 Settings: Quick Preset: Mayday, Temp 1.2, Top P Sampling 0.95

link: https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B-GGUF

Notes: Love this little creative maestro. Very eloquent and the wordplay is fun and fresh with occasionally very poetic/flowery prose (sometimes a tad too much). Overall very solid.

3.) collectivecognition-v1.1-mistral-7b.Q8_0 Settings: Quick Preset: Mayday, Temp 1.3, Top P Sampling 0.95

link: https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/CollectiveCognition-v1.1-Mistral-7B-GGUF

Notes: Also just as creative as dolphin.2.1 with possibly a more serious tone. Also on occasion uses very techy words like ’ algebra ', ‘algorithmic’ when describing mundane things but overall a solid creative 7b.

So what are your guys faves? (with settings too please).