I have a samsung A24 and a basic IEM without a mic (sort of fancy earbuds)- Dunu Titan S. When I try to listen to media audio, such as youtube,spotify, VLC, mp3 and so on, the audio cut outs (audio level drops to 0, some “click” sound appears in a short time) in same intervals. It is just not possible to listen to music without annoyance.

I tried all simple fix attemps, such as restarting telephone, playing with audio settings, trying new headphones, using my IEM on other telephones,laptops etc. The result is, the issue appears only on the A24, and issue persists.

The weird part is that whenever I try to play games with the IEM, games being Genshin Impact, that piano tile series etc, the audio works fine without any problems.

I tried to contact Samsung, they said I should visit an official store. I live in rural East Europe, it is just physically not possible. Moreover, the issue looks like an software bug, not sure though.

Does Anybody know anything about this? Thanks.

TLDR: Media sound cut outs with headphone, I did every simple troubleshoots, issue persists.