I am having serious issues making and receiving calls since the forced IOS 17.1.1 update. I went online to the support forums and found hundreds of others having similar issues. Continued looking and found thousands of people posting all over various sites about issues they are effected with.

So I made a comment about what I was experiencing, and I got an email stating my comment was edited. I go back and see they completely removed a portion of my post, to their benefit.

Never seen a forum that actually goes in and edits portions of your comments to reflect their company in a better light. What else do they edit? Do they go in twist peoples words to make negative comments more favorable as well?

Original post: What angers me is this was a forced update for me; I wasn’t given the choice!

now making and receiving calls is extremely bugged! The screen gets this white shade to it, like a light grey color instead of black, and I get this weird buzzing when talking to people!

I cannot make reliable outgoing calls, and incoming calls are just as bad!

At this point we need a class action lawsuit! This is just ridiculous, and seriously effecting many peoples lives!!

Edited post: What angers me is this was a forced update for me; I wasn’t given the choice!

now making and receiving calls is extremely bugged! The screen gets this white shade to it, like a light grey color instead of black, and I get this weird buzzing when talking to people!

I cannot make reliable outgoing calls, and incoming calls are just as bad!

[Edited by Moderator]

  • eBullaOPB
    10 months ago

    Actually this entire assumption is incorrect.

    If you went to the support forums, you will see thousands of people are having issues with the update, severely hampering them. People who use their iPhones for business are unable to make and recieve phone calls, and all of the “support specialists” keep telling everyone the update is fine, it must be an underlying issue with your phones. Not one “support specialist” has acknowledged there may be an issue, and keep telling people (even people with brand new phones) that it’s their fault, not the update.

    If apple cared about their customers and want them to have a good experience, it does not show on their support forums.