Debating wether tomorrow to upgrade my S7 with 91% health to an S9. Reason tomorrow being that there’s a £40 gift card, and buying AirPod for Xmas, so it’s £40 off as well in a roundabout way.

Also I’d trade on the S7, and get £140 of checks ok (I have a scratch on face which annoys me, and no idea how got)

So anyone upgraded S7 to S9 and felt it was worth to? There doesn’t seem to be much updated tbh, I’m just thinking next year maybe a bigger update, but maybe a price increase, band incompatibility.

I always wear my watch, wouldn’t say a power user if it, but handy for numerous basic stuff that I use day to day.

So effectively it’s a £260 cost to upgrade. Not doing now the trade in goes down, and I know that trading elsewhere online they’ll downgrade because of the scratch, hoping Apple dismiss it. If they didn’t I’d just keep