This is a weird thing I have happening on one of my servers, these have been running nearly 7-8 years but I recently swapped a new MB/CPU etc in a server. IT’s SC836 dual redundant PSU.

So both PSU are plugged in it’s own UPS. When I pull the plug from the wall, the PSU that’s on battery will go yellow and scream loud alarm. Mind you other servers are connected to this UPS getting battery powered AC. Only this server does this. I tried it with both PSU and both do the same thing. Is something wrong with the chassis PDU/PMBUS or something else like MB/ram/CPU?

  • AVCS275OPB
    10 months ago

    Both PSU do the same though. It’s not specifically one of them. Whichever ups I put on battery, the PSU will act like it’s not getting power.