Hello fellow grease-hounds. I am a lowly novice in wrenching/trouble shooting skills. I only ask for help because I’ve got a wall and I’m broke and jobless. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I’d be in your favor.

I have tried to trouble shoot this problem and researched/Tube’d of the Yu…& I’ve hit a wall. I’ll try to lay out the problem, what I’ve done to date to trouble shoot, and then me begging for help from you sirs and ma’am’s.

Problem: 2005 Toyota Highlander, V6 fwd. Turn off the motor and Fan 1(driver side) at the radiator will kick on and run at high speed (important note) until the battery goes dead. This isn’t a radiator fan kicking on at low speed at engine shut-off.

Trouble shooting to date:

  • checked all fuses, good
  • pulled Fan 1 Relay and it shuts off fan
  • used light test on a rope (first time) and removed Relay for Fan 1 to test current at the relay connection. (***I think I need help here, with wiring diagram and troubleshoot).
  • I tried to find a short in EB1/EB2. Could not find a noticeable short messing with the connections and they were clean when opened (my fingers are bleeding ha).




Lizard brain idea: Maybe the fan is grounded through EB2 or EB1? I can’t see any obvious signs of rust or damage through.