Hey guys, just some questions to see if you can help me out.

I have been trying to find some help on how I can go about gaining a long term residency in one of these countries. I am a military veteran who gains monthly disability compensentation and currently just a full time student in the US over here studying CS. I know that outside of being a student I have been wondering if there was a method I could continue my studies, graduate with my degree and just attain employment in one of those countries. It would take me about 2 years to complete it and I currently do it remotely. So I’m just wondering if there would be a way I could continue my studies remote in america and also live in the EU with possible long term residency. That or if there was other ways to get residency in the EU, I’ve been looking into France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and netherlands. I know getting a job is another method but I know that can be pretty hard but I’ve just been wondering of the possibilities. Forgot to mention I know I could always just study over in another country, 3 years wouldn’t take that long since it’s just another year or less tacked on to get the bachelors.

Side note: my schooling would be paid for anywhere I go if I were to go to a school in another country(as long as it doesn’t exceed a certain threhshold).

Thanks for taking the time to read this.