I’m notorious for losing my phone (probably happens 4-5 times / week.

I’m looking for a hack to keep my phone on silent mode (exact same settings as when the silent switch on the side is down), whilst receiving phone calls. I only need the ringer on, so that I can dial my phone and find it quickly when I lose it.

All the help articles I’ve looked at, suggest going into focus mode. I’m looking for a different method, as this would be an all time setting. I wouldn’t want to be on do not disturb or focus all day everyday. Is there any other way to keep calls on and all other settings silenced?

I know this sounds ridiculous, but it’s a serious issue. I have short term memory loss, and really struggle to find my everyday items. I’ve also had to use my laptop and ring the “find my iPhone” bell a few teams. I’d really like to avoid doing that weekly!

  • Large-Ad1434OPB
    10 months ago

    This is great! Haven’t used my Apple Watch, been using my laptop. Much smarter. Thank you for the suggestion.