I’m glad that we won despite the ref blatantly being in the Buccaneers’ favor. I’m trying to wrap my head around how that Buccaneer literally dragging the guy with the ball in his arms BY THE LEGS back behind the 1st down line that one play in either the 2nd or 3rd quarter (I forget which, I just know I turned to a different channel when I saw it not being flagged). Makes me wonder if that ref was bribed.

  • relax336B
    10 months ago

    I’m not sure how you can say, with a straight face, officials can’t alter the outcome of a game. “They know the rules better than anyone” i mean…that doesn’t absolve them of fault. They’re human at the end of the day.

    No player can be more dominant than the whistle. Especially in a team sport like football. It would be adult to teach them to play through refs messing up and not letting it affect their game.

    But to say officials can’t mess up to the extent it alters the outcome is absolutely bullocks.