I know this is a common-ish question here but here goes. I’ve had this car for less than a week, technically bought used but only had 1000 miles on it. For reference, here are my driving conditions:

Central coast of California where mornings are ~40F and afternoons are ~70F. I commute ~140 miles a day for work. I’ve driven round trip from work twice now. The first time I drove to work was definitely fast (80mph) and then I realized how much speed influences my estimated mileage so I’ve slowed down to ~70mph. My 70-ish mile drive to work has cost me about 100 miles of range with about 2.1mi/kWh efficiency.

Today was only the second time I’ve charged it and after charging to 90% my estimated range was only 214mi. I know that the estimated range changes based on recent driving but being 65 miles below the expected mileage at 90% was concerning. However my efficiency increased a lot on the way home to >3.0 mi/kWh.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Edit: I also want to add that this change happened very suddenly between my morning commute to work and my drive home. My drive to work used almost 100 miles of range with 2.1mi/kWh efficiency. My drive home used about 65 miles of range with 3.2 mi/kWh efficiency.

  • azuniga0414OPB
    10 months ago

    Well I was able to buy a home in my current city while the city I work in often has no homes for sale under a million dollars, so…