Hey gang. This might be an odd question compared to what is usually asked around here, but I thought it would be interesting nonetheless.

Winter depression is kicking my ass again, so every year I try to take a trip somewhere sunny around January or February.

I recently quit my job, but have other part time sources of income, so hopefully I will manage to save enough to escape for a few weeks again soon. SO! I figured it would be fun to ask if people have specific places they would recommend for a little trip where I could just buzz around by myself and take photos.

Ideally somewhere warm that is within flying distance of Copenhagen, Denmark, without breaking the bank. Flights are ridiculously cheap to some places, and I feel like Zanzibar and Mumbai are my best bets so far, with tickets costing around 600 and 450 dollars respectively for return flights.

I am into wildlife photograph, and would like to get better at landscapes as well, so anything that would be good for that would be perfect. Also, it has to at least in the high 70s fehrenheit (25 celcius in normal people units). I am useless in the cold.

Feel free to share your travel tips about places you have been or would like to go! I hope this doesn’t break the rules of the sub, if not please let me know and I will remove the post.

  • HawkatronOPB
    10 months ago

    Sounds cool! I’ll check it out, thanks :)