I am looking to buy a Chevy Bolt at a local dealership. It is used and the dealer is a Honda dealer. I was in there on 6 days ago and was inquiring about the car. The price was reasonable, but on the high side of reasonable. The typical process went on where the buyer asks to drop the price to X and the sales person goes and talks to the manager and comes back and agrees/denies/compromises. In this case, the sales person informed me there was absolutely no wiggle room and the price was firm, so I walked. not getting the $1500 off I asked for. With telling me 6 day ago the price was firm, 3 days ago they dropped the price by $500.

I was thinking of going back in and bringing a wingman to help seal the deal. I have not purchased an EV before, but I’m not unfamiliar with how a car works. Are there any buzz words I can throw out to convince the sale person to at least meet me in the middle? Mind you, the sales person seemed clueless about the details of an EV as was evident in the test drive. Either that or they were playing dumb, which is not outside the realm of possibility.

  • fuzbuster83OPB
    10 months ago

    A new Bolt is looking to be around $30-31k, with the tax credit you can get that down $22-24k. The used vehicle we’re looking at is about $18k with about 20k miles. They used to only allow the tax credit on new vehicles, but as of 1/1/23 they added a credit for used vehicles (with restrictions) of $4k, and this vehicle meets those restrictions so we would get the car for around $14 if it all works out.

    Our state is not very green friendly, so there are no state credits to our knowledge. It’s hard to even find EV’s here and finding someone that knows how to work on them is also a work in progress.