I was looking at my choices for streaming my music collection to my phone or just in general and thought I’d see what everyone is using or get suggestions? Bonus points if it let’s you share songs.

      • @Known-Watercress7296B
        17 months ago

        I’m a fan and the lead dev is pretty active on r/Symfonium

        It’s well worth the few pounds ime.

    • @revoltnbB
      17 months ago

      Navidrome + Substreamer, but I’m starting to use the Navdrome webapp as my main player - it links into the car’s volume and next/previous, and works very well. On your desktop you can install it as a webapp with an icon on the desktop and a separate window.

      I also have metube which drops songs directly into my downloads folder.

      A regular shell script to create playlists from each folder, so I can arrange songs onto folders and get playlists.

      Can share a playlist or song anonymously, or add a user to the system

      Amazingly simple, powerful and complete.