Recently bought an Ev6 Gt-line, drove up to Vermont (from Boston) over Thanksgiving, and noticed that while the range that showed when I started for my trip showed as ~250 miles - I was driving on Eco, but I only managed to get 160 miles and had to find an emergency stop unexpectedly. Was careful about using heat for this trip.

Some questions for other Ev6 owners in the New England area

  1. I have Chargepoint, Evgo, Flo, and the Tesla app. All of these were so slow and almost useless in finding a station based on route (I need to enter the city by manually seeing what’s next in Google Maps). I also noticed that some show up on Evgo and some don’t, no pictures/reviews so generally found it very hard to navigate.
  2. I was on level 1 regen, should I be changing this for longer road trips to conserve more range?
  3. When I was doing 85/90 mph on a free highway - I was noticing range drain way more quickly. As I was nearing traffic and driving slower (more braking) - range was more optimally maintained.
  4. Should I buy a tesla (Chade-mo) to ccs adapter since Tesla stations or more common or do most of you carry a portable level 2 charger while road tripping? Found this on amazon

My apartment has a level 2 charger so it’s been great for city driving, first long road trip and I was quite taken aback by the range. Any tips are appreciated!