Iphone 14 pro, latest iOS. Ive begun to constantly get the “invisible keyboard” glitch, where when you click on search (or some other things that bring up the keyboard) the keyboard is just invisible. Ive searched around this subreddit some and online and it seems to be a common issue since iOS 15 or so

The main “fixes” for it seem to be to just restart your device, but that isnt really a fix, since it seems to come back almost immediately. The fastest “fix” ive found is just closing and opening my search until the keyboard comes back, but again, not really a fix. Ive also made sure to close unused programs/windows, but that doesnt seem to help at all

Does anyone know of any actual fixes to this?

  • consultybobOPB
    10 months ago

    i just dont see how an issue like this can still be a thing after so many updates