
I wanted to share the story of creating Rebookify, a platform designed to help travelers like us save money on hotel bookings. It’s been an exciting but challenging journey, and I’m hoping to get some advice and insights from you guys

The Struggles: When we started, it was no walk in the park. We faced technical hurdles, endless research, and the constant struggle to find the best hotel deals for our users. It was tough to get the platform off the ground

The Breakthrough: After months of hard work, we managed to develop a system that tracks hotel prices across various platforms and automatically rebooks reservations at a lower rate if available. It’s a game-changer for budget-conscious travelers

The Next Step: Now that Rebookify is up and running, our main challenge is getting the word out and building a user base. We want to help as many travelers as possible, but we need your advice on how to reach them effectively.

Seeking Community advice: So, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  1. How did you initially attract users to your own projects or businesses while on the road?
  2. Do you have any creative strategies for marketing a travel-related service to a global audience?
  3. Have you encountered similar challenges in the travel tech industry, and how did you overcome them?
  4. What platforms or communities have been most helpful in spreading the word about your ventures?
  5. Any tips or advice for a travel startup like Rebookify?

Safe travels, and thank you in advance!