I finally opened up and tested the LE. Everything seems great. Against my better judgement I ran the dead pixel test. At first I didn’t find any. I lowered the brightness and I found 1 on the upper left part of the screen visible on all colors but black. When I back out of the test I can’t see it. I tried but it’s just not there. Maybe there’s more but I figured if they’re that hard to find then maybe I don’t need to be looking.

I remember returning 2 3DSs for dead pixels and one vita. They were bigger and quiet noticable.

My question is why aren’t the dead pixels as visible on the deck as past handhelds? Higher resolution? Better tech? I mean …I struggled to find it to begin with. I have 20/20 vision but maybe the fact I need readers helps me not see it?

I’m an ocd type person for sure so I’m 100% on board with folks not being happy and returning them. I’m surprised Im not packing it up to ship back myself. Do I regret running the test? Yup 😅 … Ignorance is bliss…But I’m also happy I did because as long as I can’t see it during normal use then it doesn’t really exist and it helps me not worry so much.