A new user here (never used twitter before either). I subscribed to #wearos hashtag in the webgui. Day later I saw one post in my home screen. I answered it. Now in my home I see that post and my answer.

Q1: My answer does not have #wearos inside, why it is shown here?

Q2: the original post already had one answer from someone else, how one can see it?

Q3: how to see posts with hashtags I follow?

q4: does following a hashtag overrules language settings? I.e. there is a post written on “do-not-show-me” language, but with a hashtag I follow - will I see it.

Side question: according to explore->hashtags it shows me popular tags for today, in the list I see 1.2K posts for catuday, and few tags with 100 and less posts. This looks like that either no one use tags, or no one uses mastodon or I misunderstand description of “explore->hashtags”?

PS: mastodon.social instance