i want to remotely ssh to my home server, and I was wondering if I could just forward port 22 with disabling password login and use pubkey authentication will be safe enough?

  • @dal8mocB
    17 months ago

    Which is easily defeated by using one block of ip addresses to gather data and another block for actually trying to exploit found ports. Unless you block the whole AS. If the attacker only uses one system with one ip they probably wouldn’t have the resources to get past ssh anyway.

    • @Karyo_TenB
      17 months ago

      Behavior blocking can be done across many IPs.

      If you have one IP that scans port 10000, the other port 10001, and thousands of other IPs scanning just 1 port it’s still blatantly obvious.

      And if they want to scan in a less obvious manner they need to do this spaced by days.