I think not.

It’s counterintuitive to ignore your strengths as a founder (ie: sales, marketing, etc)

The founders I speak with who want to learn to code assume it will help them understand their developers more. This is slightly true, but it’s an opportunity cost against time spent selling/promoting the product.

Products fail more due to poor PMF, not because founders can’t code.

Hiring developers who can communicate is a bigger force multiplier. (a hard requirement for me)

A technical project manager is even more ideal for providing the buffer between the founder and developers.

Curious how non-technical people on the fence of learning to code feel about this topic.

(if it’s a passion you seek, that is a different argument. code away)

  • Darryl-DOPB
    1 year ago

    get to a point of being able to code a software good enough for even trial?

    Can you expand on this more? Trial as in seeing if you would like it?

    Learning to get good will take years and you’ll soon learn that good is highly subjective. I aim for shipped product more than “good code” nowadays. It’s something to be said about “founders code”, the code that ain’t sexy but raised a few millions to bring in devs to make it better and eventually exit.

    I would still suggest finding a technical co-pilot if you want to take it serious as a founder. Lean on what you’re good at, you’ll need to triple down on that instead IMO.

    Or… you can omit the founder title and do side projects for the love of it. If something comes from it, turn it into a business. But I would suggest removing capitalist intent to allow yourself to learn stress free.

    On a personal note, I use to be deep into playing Starcraft II. Going to work and working in a scrum environment didn’t feel too different, it was gamified. At times I would drop Starcraft just to do a side-project for the sake of showing friends, this is where I did my best work. I sold one idea (just the codebase) a few months after getting bored by it.

    If you want to chat more about it, feel free to shoot me a DM!