Roy Kent and Trent Crimm, Independent, making peace.

Season 3, episode 2.

“I was 17. This wrecked me.”
I love how reaction channels have people going all “awwww” in empathy for Roy.

Roy letting the guard down and simply openly admitting what hurt him,
Trent responding with being equally vulnerable and admitting what motiviation he had to write the way he did about underage people back then,

they both meet each other halfway but revealing truth and vulnerability.
I think 10 or 20 years ago, a scene like this would be played for laughs, but I see nothing funny about the way it’s written and acted, it’s just beautiful.

Dealing with press and tabloids while underage, when all you want is to be good at playing sports,
is so messed up, but any story like this makes me think of Sarah Lynn and her real life equivalents.
It must be seriously destructive
for child actors to read about themselves how bad their performances were.

i’ve seen one dude on a reaction channel just laughing through it and saying “Roy,get over it.”

I don’t know, I personally never want to get over how underage people are mistreated by media.