
My 2010 M3 2.0MZR DISI is consuming 2.5-3l of engine oil per 10000km. Which is my assumption because I went through 900ml in 3500km.

On top of that, the top of the valve cover seems to be wet (especially around the dipstick), but it doesn’t really look like fresh oil - can you tell me what could be causing this? Because I feel like these may be related.

Please note, that I own the car for a few months so no idea what was going on with it before.




  • patryk_CELAENOOPB
    10 months ago

    no, it was not like that when I bought it - it was washed before that definitely as it was pristine clean. but I have changed the oil 3500km ago and haven’t looked at the engine without the plastic cover since that so probably you’re right. so what I’m left is more serious damage and the concern is; I might be looking at an engine overhaul.

    I havent noticed oil spill under the car, there is no blue smoke but from what I heard about these engines (on polish mazda3 forums) is that they don’t consume more than 1l per 10k kilometers when healthy even if used aggressively. with a calm driver, it shouldn’t need a refill at all