I’ve heard from a lot of expats who reluctantly have to be relocated to Europe that it could be difficult to adapt back to life in European cities again, some told me they got ‘’spoiled’ by the feeling of safety in Seoul, Tokyo Shanghai or like Hongkong, also the convenience such as accessibility to supermarkets, convenient stores etc. There could be more but that’s all I can recall.

So did you find it difficult or challenging once you go back to live in Europe, after experiencing Asian cities for several years, if not, i would be interested to know why as well.

  • VirtualHydraDemonB
    10 months ago

    A 100% agree.

    A lot of easily solvable issues in daily life is made complex and mundane in Europe There is always someone trying to reason out that Asian workers are struggling and don’t have holidays , no tips , less wages. But in all my years of working in Tokyo , I’ve seen majority of service workers diligently and excitedly doing their work. Even convenience workers worked on shifts , came early , made sure customers were dealt with well - I’ve even seen managers motivate juniors and the workers doing morning exercises lol

    I guess people like to excuse themselves into acceptance , while reading stereotypical articles .

    Life is just easy in Asia (esp SEA) a lot of mundane things are fixed for you , so you can focus on what matters to you. Shops are open, food is mostly affordable and healthy, overworking had reduced a lot post pandemic , there’s novelty and creativity in advertisement and innovation in new products released . Taxes also don’t punch you in the face

    Many European houses are poorly built, poor ventilation , endless repairs and unavailability of handymen, endless DIY, endless paperwork … and all at the end to say Oooh we got great quality of life and more holidays .