I ordered a LE OLED Steam Deck for my husband for Christmas. We are going to be new parents early next year and I wanted to support his transition into fatherhood, while still supporting his love of games and also give him a treat yo’self moment for all the support he had provided me during my pregnancy. For real, he has been a complete gem and I am #blessed.

But, I want to make sure it works okay and there are no pixel issues or anything while I’m in the return window. The deck arrives tomorrow.

Is there anything I need to be aware of or check for specifically? Do I have to login with a steam account to do the check? I don’t want him to miss out on the perks from the buy if I login for the first time with my account. But I also don’t want him to find out early about it by logging into his Steam account.

Thank you, I really appreciate the help! Hoping he loves it.