As a Northern European with physical impairments and very “advanced” as in moving on from a capitalist patriarch world political views living in Germany, which in almost 20 years of being alive, I had never known to build a positive connection to, I feel very much threatened by the political situation in this country. In the past, I have found serenity in the plan of retreating to my true home in northern Europe, but seeing and analysing the political situation, I and parts of the local government I am in touch with see this as the dawn of the fourth German Reich, which leads me to think that I no longer have realistic chances of being safe anywhere in Europe.

With this background briefing and the information that for myself, I have found rural, cold and coastal environments to be the best environment for me to thrive, I have determined the region around Hudson Bay or the areas around Mount Aspiring and Fiordland national parks to be the best options there are for me. I mean hopefully, I know myself a lot better than any of you know me, but what do you guys think about what my best option is?