• @Sure-Respect6914B
    17 months ago

    Yes, because they have contracts which require specific performance, until proven guilty.

    • @Tim-SanchezB
      17 months ago

      No they don’t? You can suspend players after an accusation, like United did with Greenwood. Especially if 5 people are making an accusation with the police investigating.

      A contract doesn’t mean teams are forced to pay players.

      • @neenerpantsB
        17 months ago

        This made me wonder what the norm is for other industries, when someone is accused of a crime but the investigation is pending.

        For stuff like police and teachers, I think definitely they’d be immediately suspended even if not yet proven guilty.

        But for most other jobs, I think they’d probably carry on working as normal until it’s resolved?

        I honestly don’t know.

      • @LeoLH1994B
        17 months ago

        Gylifi, who was very important the previous season, never played for Everton again and had his contract run down after the “31 year old international” was arrested. And yet you could say that the indictment was because of this as they lost £45 mill without being able to get some of it back like they did with players like Iwobi later on. And the fact they were able to vanish a key player, who you wouldn’t think of as a vile sort, without once saying his name outright, and yet Greenwood is seen as a sympathetic figure for offences that were made very public, is a very courageous move.