I know this probably get asked a lot, but me and Bf want to move with his family out of America. We have all been scouring online for 2 years, but are clueless where to start we have a few countries we have looked into (Germany, Spain, Ireland, New Zealand and the Netherlands) but are open to more options. We just do not agree with what is going on here and considering I am Trans living in Florida, I really want to leave. I (23 M) and he (24 m) are both still in school working (I’m going for neurobiology and him photonics/ mechanical engineering) part-time, while his parents are both still working full time salaried jobs. We want to hopefully finish school, but Would be unable to afford to pay for both of us as I currently am funded by FAFSA. We are willing to work and go to school if it is an option. At this point I am hoping to find somewhere with a more mild climate as it helps the health conditions I do have when I lived in the mountains in Washington more than the sub tropics.

Mostly asking for any ideas of others who have left the US maybe in similar conditions, and how you did it?