Hi! Am I correct in how I’m planning to accomplish getting internet to my shed? An electrician will trench electrical power wiring, and he’s happy to run fiber cable with it.

My living room, where the modem is, over the part of the basement where my electrical panel is. Shed is in backyard approximately 35 feet from electrical panel.

Shopping list:

Preterm fiber cable: https://www.fs.com/products/40094.html

Media converter: https://www.fs.com/products/101472.html


  1. In living room, plug in short Ethernet cable from ATT modem/router to media converter

  2. Drill or find room to get one end of fiber cable from basement to media converter in living room and plug in.

  3. Electrician will worry about getting the fiber cable to the shed.

  4. Once fiber cable is in shed, plug into another media converter.

  5. Short Ethernet cable from media converter in shed to either a switch or wireless router.

Am I on the right track? Will the exact products linked above work? I have standard AT&T fiber, should I find sfp cable or upgrade the media converter to sfp+?

Finally, I believe that fiber can be ran in the conduit with the electrical, but should I run it in its own conduit? Or is there a heavier duty fiber cable I can bury without a conduit?