The dude was completey terrible early on, I mean an absolute atrocity out there, but I think he deserves a shout out. His play has been vastly improved last 2 games. Do I think he’s going to the pro bowl? Probably not, but I think he deserves some credit for his perseverance and improvement .

  • @Active-Limit-9038B
    17 months ago

    Let’s be real here. The last 4 QBs Baker & Co. have played against are guys who probably shouldn’t be starting, and when we last played a decent mid-tier vet 5 weeks ago, Colts’ secondary made him look like an All-Pro.

    Looking serviceable against Bryce, Mac, Baker, and Mayo boy doesn’t mean it’s time to hoist the banner just yet.

    • @LameysDurbanPoisonB
      17 months ago

      True as that may be, the next 4 are not starters either so……playoffs can be real here if we take care of business. And Brents is coming back.