I’m a full-stack dev and I’m about to start a AI/ML bootcamp where there’s a final project.

I’ve been very impressed with Ollama, LLaMA2 and QLoRA. But I’ve also been very impressed with the UI for custom GPT but fuck the downtime on OpenAi has been increasingly worse and no real signs of improvement.

So I’m wondering if there like a framework for a GUI to create custom multimodel architecture using LLMs that can be hot-swapped and trained by more casual users?

For example, rather than selecting from code interpreter, a non-technical user could hot-swap from codelama to code wizard or swap from one image generator for say memes / art to say one that’s more focused on UX/UI mockups or even creating high quality 3d printable files.

Everything moves so fast, I figured it would better to ask this community and open this leads to some good discussions and collaborations with people more specialized in AI/ML/LLMs