We have a GS108Ev3 and a Nighthawk X6 R8000.

GS108Ev3 has this famous 80-port 10Mbps issue, completely useless.

Today our X6 R8000 broke down. I factory reset it, then the web page keeps redir to https://www.routerlogin.com/start.htm, which is 404. now it is a electricity wasting brick. hopeless crap.

I’ll fire any employee buys netgear again.

  • @MrDohB
    17 months ago

    Yeah, gave up on Netgear years ago because of terrible firmware. Only have Asus routers now, about the only brand that I trust to provide decent support for long enough. The Asus routers that I’ve had work well…some of the firmware releases have been buggy, but I can always revert to a nice, stable previous firmware version.

    • PhobosAnomaly
      17 months ago

      Asus are great - appreciated their work ever since their CUSL motherboards in the early 2000’s.

      Only bugbear I have with Asus now is they’re “doing a Samsung” - great hardware and great support, but bloated with a metric fucktonne of shit on their firmware now that serves little other than to add another fancy line onto the box blurb.

      On balance though, I’d still choose something with an Asus name.

    • @kloveB
      17 months ago

      Asus has an easy to use interface with nice features. Plus, Asus Ai-mesh is so easy to setup.