I moved to Australia back in 2016 and while not in an immediate rush, I am starting to put together a gameplan for an eventual return.

For those who may question why, I initially left as a 25 year old backpacker and now at the ripe old age of 32, my priorities have just changed, as is the natural way of things.

There’s greater potential for career growth back in the UK and with home ownership being a primary goal of mine, I feel much more comfortable pursuing that and investing in my own country.

Obviously having a support network of family around me again will be a much welcome change as well.

I don’t take everything I read online as gospel, especially social media but some have suggested I might be quite shocked to see how things have changed since I’ve been away.

As such, I’m curious to get more perspectives on what life might be like when I arrive back in the motherland.

Any thoughts or experiences welcome, please share!